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  "Mr. Garrity, your kind offer is accepted with thanks," announcedPaul. "And as you suggested to me, several of us will take greatpleasure in calling on you to-morrow to go into details and to getfull directions from you."

  "Then perhaps I may as well go home now, boys," said the oldgentleman; "as my wrist is paining me considerably. I only want to addthat this has been a red day in my calendar. The collapse of the oldice-house is going to prove one of those blessings that sometimes cometo us in disguise. I only regret that two little girls were injured.As for myself, I am thoroughly pleased it happened."

  "Before you leave us, sir," said Bobolink, boldly, "please let us showin some slight way how much we appreciate your kind offer. Boys, threecheers for Mr. Thomas Garrity, our latest convert, and already one ofour best friends!"

  Possibly Bobolink's method of expressing his feelings might notordinarily appeal to a man of Mr. Garrity's character, but just nowthe delighted old gentleman was in no mood for fault finding.

  As the boyish cheers rang through the room there were actually tearsin Mr. Garrity's eyes. Truly that had been a great day for him, andperhaps it might prove a joyous occasion to many of his poor tenants,some of whom had occasion to look upon him as a just, though severe,landlord, exacting his rent to the last penny.

  After he had left the room the hum of voices became furious. One wouldhave been inclined to suspect the presence of a great bee-hive in thenear vicinity.

  "Paul, you know all about this woods cabin he owns," said Tom Betts,"so suppose you enlighten the rest of us."

  "One thing tickles me about the venture!" exclaimed Bobolink; "That isthat we pass across Lake Tokala in getting there. I've been hankeringto see that place in winter time for ever so long."

  "Yes," added Tom, eagerly, "that's true. And what's to hinder some ofus from using our iceboats part of the way?"

  "Nothing at all," Paul assured him. "I went into that with Mr.Garrity, and came to the conclusion that it could be done. Of course,a whole lot depends on how many of us can go on the trip."

  "How many could sleep in his cabin do you think, Paul?" demandedJack.

  "Yes. For one, I'd hate to have to bunk out in the snow these coldnights," said Bluff, shaking his head seriously, for Bluff dearlyliked the comforts of a cheery fire inside stout walls of logs, whilethe bitter wintry wind howled without, and the snow drifted badly.

  "He told me it was unusually large," explained Paul. "In fact, it hastwo big rooms and could in a pinch accommodate ten fellows. Of course,every boy would be compelled to tote his blankets along with him,because Mr. Garrity never dreamed he would have an army occupy his logshanty."

  "The more I think of it the better it sounds!" declared Jack.

  "Then first of all we must try to find out just who can go," suggestedBobolink.

  "What if there are too many to be accommodated either on the iceboatswe own or in the cabin?" remarked Tom Betts, uneasily.

  "Shucks! that ought to be easy," suggested another. "All we have to dois to pull straws, and see who the lucky ten are."

  "Then let those who are _positive_ they can go step aside here," Paulordered; and at this there was a shuffling of feet and considerablemoving about.

  "Remember, you must be sure you can go," warned Paul. "Afterwardswe'll single out those who believe they can get permission, but feelsome doubts. If there is room they will come in for next choice."

  Several who had started forward held back at this. Those who tooktheir stand as the leader requested consisted of Jack, Bobolink,Bluff, Tom Betts, Jud Elderkin, Sandy Griggs, Phil Towns and "Spider"Sexton.

  "Counting myself in the list that makes nine for certain," Paulobserved. It was noticed that Tom Betts as well as Bobolink lookedexceedingly relieved on discovering that, after all, there need be nodrawing of lots.

  "Now let those who have strong hopes of being able to go stand up tobe counted," continued Paul. "I'll keep a list of the names, and thefirst who comes to say he has received full permission will be the oneto make up the full count of ten members, which is all the cabin canaccommodate."

  The Carberry twins, as well as several others, stood over in line tohave their names taken down.

  "If one of us can go, Paul," explained Wallace Carberry, "we'll fix itup between us which it shall be. But I'm sorry to say our folks don'ttake to this idea of a winter camp very strongly."

  "Same over at my house," complained Bob Tice. "Mother is afraidsomething terrible might happen to us in such a hard spell of winter.As if scouts couldn't take care of themselves anywhere, and under allconditions!"

  There were many gloomy faces seen in the gathering, showing that otherboys knew their parents did not look on the delightful scheme withfavor. Some of them could not accompany the party on account of otherplans which had been arranged by their parents.

  "If the ice stays as fine as it is now," remarked Tom Betts, "we canspin down the river on our iceboats, and maybe make our way throughthat old canal to Lake Tokala as well. But how about the creek leadingup to the cabin, Paul? Did you ask Mr. Garrity about it?"

  "Yes, I asked him everything I could think of," came the ready reply."I'm sorry to say it will be necessary to leave our iceboats somewhereon the lake, for the creek winds around in such a way, and is sonarrow in places, that none of us could work the boats up there."

  "But wouldn't it be dangerous to leave them on the lake so long?"asked Tom, anxiously. "I've put in some pretty hard licks on my newcraft, and I'd sure hate to have any one steal it from me."

  "Yes," added Bobolink, quickly, "and we all know that Lawson crowdhave been showing themselves as mean as dirt lately. We thought we hadgot rid of our enemies some time ago, and here this new lot of rivalsseems bent on making life miserable for all scouts. They are a toughcrowd, and pretend to look down on us as weaklings. Hank Lawson is nowplaying the part of the bully in Stanhope, you know."

  "I even considered that," continued Paul, who seldom omitted anythingwhen laying plans. "Mr. Garrity told me there was a man living on theshore of Lake Tokala, who would look after our iceboats for aconsideration."

  "Bully for that!" exclaimed Tom, apparently much relieved. "All thesame I think it would be as well for us to try to keep our campingplace a secret if it can be done. Let folks understand that we'regoing somewhere around Lake Tokala; and perhaps the Lawson crowd willmiss us."

  "That isn't a bad idea," Paul agreed, "and I'd like every one toremember it. Of course, we feel well able to look after ourselves, butthat's no reason why we should openly invite Hank and his cronies tocome and bother us. Are you all agreed to that part of the scheme?"

  In turn every scout present answered in the affirmative. Those whocould not possibly accompany the party took almost as much interest inthe affair as those intending to go; and there would be heart burningsamong the members of Stanhope Troop from now on.

  "How about the grub question, Paul?" demanded Bobolink.

  "Every fellow who is going will have to provide a certain amount offood to be carried along with his blanket, gun, clothes bag, andcamera. All that can be arranged when we meet to-morrow afternoon. Inthe meantime, I'm going to appoint Bobolink and Jack as a committee oftwo to spend what money we can spare in purchasing certain groceriessuch as coffee, sugar, hams, potatoes, and other things to be listedlater."

  Bobolink grinned happily on hearing that.

  "See how pleased it makes him," jeered Tom Betts. "When you putBobolink on the committee that looks after the grub, Paul, you hit himclose to where he lives. One thing sure, we'll have plenty to eatalong with us, for Bobolink never underrates the eating capacity ofhimself or his chums."

  "You can trust me for that," remarked the one referred to, "because Iwas really hungry once in my life, and I've never gotten over theterrible feeling. Yes, there is going to be a full dinner pail inCamp Garrity, let me tell you!"

  "Camp Garrity sounds good to me!" exclaimed Sandy Griggs.

>   "Let it go down in the annals of Stanhope Troop at that!" criedanother scout.

  "We could hardly call it by any other name, after the owner has beenso good as to place it at our disposal," said Paul, himself wellpleased at the idea.

  Bobolink was about to say something more when, without warning, therecame a sudden crash accompanied by the jingling of broken glass. Oneof the windows fell in as though some hard object had struck it. Thestartled scouts, looking up, saw the arm and face of a boy thrust partway through the aperture, showing that he must have slipped and brokenthe window while trying to spy upon the meeting.